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The Best Cinnamon Pancakes


Best Pancakes Fast

There are some mornings that the kids are tired of Oatmeal or Eggs. I’m not perfect, it happens. And on those mornings I pour my coffee into my special coffee cup (review to come later) and get to cooking. My kid's happiness these days, and in times of uncertainty, is super important to me.

15 minutes after I start and we are munching on the yummiest pancakes EVER. As soon as we moved last year to this new place, I realized my last house’s large kitchen was going to be sorely missed. The open floor, the tons of counters, the windows overlooking the back yard were so important. The awesome way the kids could run through it and not even collide with me, was the best. But due to circumstances unavoidable, we had to downsize for at least the year. It has been a hard road, so I am stuck with this tiny kitchen. I try to avoid being in it most of the day…despite my love of cooking. But on Pancake mornings I have to make it work. I researched and found tons of recipes, let me tell you, the ones that make the least mess are the best!

I averaged the differences of most of the recipes online. Then came up with my own plan based on them, I usually cook by feeling vs direction anyway. SO…here is the recipe that works for me in a nutshell:

The Best Cinnamon Pancakes

First I make the ButterMilk, this makes them fluffy and yummy-

  • 2 C Butter Milk (DIY recipe = 1TBL white Vin to each C milk) let it sit while you mix the rest


  • 1 Egg

  • 1/4 C Fat (I use oil if I’m running low on Butt)

  • 1 1/2 TBL Vanilla (I also <3 Vanilla)


  • 2 C Flour

  • 1 1/2 tsp Baking Power

  • 1 tsp Baking Soda (don’t mix these up, flavor will be off)

  • 1 TBL Cinnamon (I <3 Cinnamon and it’s good for us)

  • 3 TBL White Sugar

  • 1/4 tsp Salt (if I’m not buttering with salted butter- If so omit)

What is Love #WednesdayWisdom

And that’s it for the recipe. Then I just pour the mixed batter with whatever cup I have on hand onto a non-stick skillet and flip when I see Bubbles. We usually like to top it with Butter, syrup or even fresh berries and honey! It’s really yummy.

Well, I hope you enjoy this recipe and get to flipping. And if you have a faster less messy recipe let me know in the comments below. And don't forget: When someone else's happiness is your happiness that is love. ~Lana Del Rey #WednesdayWisdom

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